Planting Utah Families and Businesses on Solid Ground

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Ancillary Documents

Every comprehensive estate plan should include a financial durable power of attorney, a medical power of attorney, and a living will. Elliot Smith has a lot of experience in helping people in South Jordan get these setup.

Financial Power of Attorney

A durable power of attorney allows a person to appoint an agent to act on his or her behalf. These documents can be customized to grant broad or very specific powers and only come into effect is the principal is unable to act.

Medical Power of Attorney and Living Will

The State of Utah has created a statutory form called an Advance Health Care Directive, which includes a medical power of attorney and a living will. A medical power of attorney allows a person to appoint an agent or agents to discuss medical situations with doctors, access medical records, and make medical decisions when a person is unable to act for him or herself. A living will gives instructions to medical professionals when a person cannot live without the help of life-sustaining treatment and is unlikely to recover.

Elliot Smith is a licensed attorney and certified public accountant that can take care of your business needs. Whether you’re opening a new business, incorporating, or looking for tax services, Elliot Smith has the resources to serve you.